(writings of sand and water) La Vorágine 100 years

HABŪB (writings of sand and water), is the most recent work of La Quinta del Lobo.
Habub is a performative installation of immersive polyphonies that presents a poetic reflection on the diverse imaginaries constituted around the Amazon, it was recently premiered as part of the CNA’s “Voragine Expandida” cycle and was developed in co-production with the University of the Andes and La Quinta del Lobo.
Haboobs are immense clouds of dust and sand that travel great distances driven by strong winds… like the sands of the Sahara that fertilize the Amazonian soil. This natural phenomenon is the inspiration for this work. The imaginary of the Amazon has been traditionally built from hundreds of white, colonial voices, voices like these sands that have crossed the air and the seas, to reach the jungle, to admire her, to exploit her… to lose themselves into her.

Rereading “La Vorágine” 100 years after its writing, implies reconnecting to the images and stories of the jungle, portrayed as one and many places at the same time.
Nevertheless, some voices are missing, the local voices, the voices of the people who lived through the rubber genocide, which is in turn an event that marks the beginning of the crisis of exploitation and extractivism that has affected the Amazon ever since.
La Quinta del Lobo went to La Chorrera, Amazonas, center of power and resignification, to listen to these voices and see the place where history took place, to see a jungle that is spirit and presence… that is bigger than us, eternal.
Habub is a poetic reflection on the invisible universes that surround us and that constitute the delicate balance of the earth, which in turn make us rethink our human condition.

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